6 years 0 CABZmom 10
Is there something I fill out after completing the phone shop?

You can use the app to enter most responses. I find it useful to enter my longer narratives via laptop and desk top. Too many keystorkes works much better for me on a conventional keyboard vs. a small touchscreen anything. So the job itself has all of the form for input that you need, regardless of using the mobile or desk top version. And if you did not finish yet, as a newbie laways reach out to the scheduleal

6 years 0 CABZmom 10
New Member - Points/Reward System

The immediate thing that comes to mind is if you lost points for canceling a shop.

6 years 0 CABZmom 10
Weekly Point Leaders

I suspect some of those super shoppers are working off of job lists that they do that never hit the boards. The usual leader in my midwestern state has sometimes had hundreds more points than the second ranked shopper. I once saw this person, with a distinctive name, written up in a blog post for a MSC not affiliated with this platform. When they do not make the list at all, I just assume they took time off or are doing work for other companies. I think the only time beyond their absence from the board that they have not been at the top is when their points rank them second, maybe third once.

6 years 0 CABZmom 10
Hello from Washington State

MF, I know you are a FT teacher, HS math, right? But I can't imagine having the time and energy to 'put' that much effort into doing all that you do. But I guess that is why you are a teacher, and I would imagine a very good one, adapting quickly, uber organized, etc. I wish I had your focus and stamina. The video part makes a big difference though, I am sure. I may check out Ellis as you recommended previously.

Have a wonderful evening.

6 years 0 CABZmom 10
Hello from Washington State

Did you find yourself slightly self-conscious at first, the invisible voice on the other side of the video equation? Or was it always a non-issue since you are comfortable before your student audience?

6 years 0 CABZmom 10
Hey... new shopper here from Kansas City MO

This is just one of many platforms available. I like it a lot for the ease of reporting and the variety of shops in my metro area. It remains one of my favorites for those reasons to mix it up. The ability to self-assign and reschedule with some shops if your schedule changes is nice. The more you do, the more that you will see available over time.

I recommend also reading the Mystery Shop Forum. I was a member of that for nearly a year before starting to engage in that community. I still do not visit often, but you will get some helpful suggestions from much more experienced shoppers that I am. There are more opportunities than you can imagine.

5 years 0 CABZmom 10
Education is key...

I have not gotten certified, but you should be able to get these courses through the MSPA website, that is Mystery Shopper Providers of America or something similar. I do not feel compelled to pursue certification. I do okay with what I am able to do. I have learned a lot from doing and more than lurking on the Mystery Shop Forum MFJohnston recommends. There is so much there it can be tedious to sift through the best info. Follow it long enough and you will note the best or favorite posters for your needs. Always remember that regional differences and experiences with opportunities in those regions do shade opinions and advice, whether or not it works for you where you are at.

5 years +1 CABZmom 10
No new clients

Don't forget adjusting the reference point for searching as well by entering a different zip code to shift the search radius.

If I were to pickup something bonused farther than I usually would go, I would use that function before leaving the house just to see if there is any job I could pick up and plan on in advance.

Spur of the moment searches when on the road are also easy using the Near Me pick box in the app. I am not sure if the the app default is always Near Me because of software app permissions or Near Home between the mobile and desktop versions. The app also has the Near Other pick box.

2 years 0 CABZmom 10
New,new,new Help

Just a thought...take a photo for a reference for where you are at, like a cover for the series--an extra storefront, some sign, anything that will distinguish photos from one stop to the can also make sure your photos are uploaded to the cloud, so if you have a laptop or a tablet, you are looking at larger images and choosing the best option if you took a few extra of different angles. If you have the photos backed up, you can also create an album where needed for the larger projects that require more photos. You don't need to keep them forever. These are different ways that you can organize or index your photos visually. Looking at tiny thumbnail images all day is tedious.