Education is key...

Poll ends: 6 years Poll: How far have you gotten with the classes?

Select 1 answer:

0 course 102
0 course 101
0 Gold Cert.
0 Silver Cert.
6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74

Just completed courses 101 and 102....soon to knock out silver certification..

I'm all for anything that makes me a better agent, opens more opportunities and ultimately more money.

6 years 0 Tara_NJ 178

I completed a few courses, but haven't seen any new ones yet. I've only seen 101,102,and one that apparently costs 9.95 or similar. Is the paid one the silver one? Does it help as a shopper to complete the paid one? I'm on the fence with this one.

6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74

well just completed the paid one and went up a level. Now i can self assign 2 shops at a time...

6 years 0 Tara_NJ 178

That's awesome Patrick!

6 years 0 Jan_15195150787988 2

I was looking for classes beyond the basics and can’t find them. Can anyone tell me where they are hiding? As a retiree, I have the time. And even if I never use it, I find the information interesting.

6 years +1 Wendy_15031532472383 72

Silver and Gold certifications are available on the MSPA website. They also have a number of other courses including:

 Casual Dining  Fine Dining Video Shopping I

Professional Responsibility & Ethics 

Banking & Financial Institutions I Video Shopping II Professional Industry Writing

Brand Standards Auditing 


6 years 0 Ivan 944

That's excellent info Wendy, thank you!

6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74

Nice, thank you Wendy.

I was wondering about those course myself. They should think about adding this info on the ISS Prep Course main page.

6 years 0 Tara_NJ 178

Thanks so much for the links, Wendy! I agree with Patrick ; it would be nice to have more courses available through isecretshop. I'd definitely pay for them through this company that way I know I'd benefit from passing the courses.

6 years +7 MFJohnston 388

I wouldn't suggest paying for any courses to mystery shop.... Everything you need can be found through free courses - often found on the websites for various MSC's or other forums like this one. If you want to know how to do something better than you are now, I would suggest simply opening a thread and asking the question. You are certain to get a few answers.

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