Was unassigned shop and given negative points?

5 years +1 Jeffrey_15570801647360 2

I guess I missed doing something with a shop? I accepted the position and did the shop yesterday. Was going to submit everything this morning, but was unassigned and given -15 points. Is there a timeline for submitting? I spent the money and did the legwork. I have a lot of good feedback, but now I have a big fat black mark and paid for a lunch I wouldn't have eaten.

Anyone have thoughts?

5 years +3 Carletta 12

I have noticed that a lot of shops are due by midnight (PST) on the day of the shop. I would reach out to the contact for additional details.

5 years +1 Jeffrey_15570801647360 2

Thanks, Carletta. I did reach out to them. They gave me another day to submit, but my negative points are still there. :( How do those points work? I would hope that you can earn points to get you out of the red?

5 years +1 Carletta 12

From what I have been able to learn, you earn points when you submit shops. The more points you earn, the higher your ranking which enables you to more shop opportunities.

4 years +3 Ivan 944

Hi Jeffrey,

Carletta is right - shops on iSecretShop are, by default, due by midnight of the assigned date, unless specified otherwise in the shop details. If the reports are not started by them, the system considers them overdue, and unasigns automatically the following morning if they're still not done.

As for negative points - the MSP that posted the shop has the ability to restore them, if they deem it appropriate, so I'd reach out to them about that too.

You gain new points primarily by successfuly completing shops, but also by doing Opinion Polls on iSecretShop, and completing courses on iSSprep.


4 years +1 Michael_15527186436033 27


You can contact the scheduler to see if they can give you your points back. The shop guidelines will tell you when the report is due which is usually midnight the day of the shop.

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